Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yaro or Rabbitbrush?

Many thanks to attentive Nevada viewers, Cliff Brewer and Lisa Wetzel for looking closely at Jim's newest Nevada landscape paintings and spotting errors in our descriptions. Cliff, a professional landscaper noticed that what we called 'Yaro' is actually 'Rabbitbrush.' And Lisa, who sells real estate in the Carson Valley with ReMAX Realty Affiliates, knows her valley well. "If there is snow on the mountains, it's Spring. If there is no snow on the mountains, it's Fall."

Here is the painting they spotted, with corrected descriptions on its web page.
It's an oil painting on canvas 30 x 36 in., titled: Carson Valley, at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range

Thank you Cliff and Lisa!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Carson Valley, Nevada Oil Painting

Carson Valley, at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
oil on canvas
30" x 36"

The Carson Valley in Northern Nevada has the drama of light and shadow in all seasons. The Sierra Nevada range rises straight up from the valley floor. I liked the brightness of the cottonwood trees and desert Yaro up against the blue-purple mountains on this Spring day.

Other Northern Nevada paintings by Jim Promessi:
Sierra Nevadas, 24" x 30"
Cottonwoods in Nevada 2 SOLD, oil 22" x 28"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

EFPN, Elder Financial Protection Network teams up with Bank of the West for education program

Thanks to Darrell Holdaway's video expertise, you can watch Iowa Representative Leonard Boswell (co-sponsor of the Elder Justice Act) speak about the Bank of the West sponsored Workshop for Elders. Keynote Speaker, Jenefer Duane, CEO and Executive Director of the Elder Financial Protection Network presents valuable workshops to help prevent elder financial abuse, teaching elders how to BeWise and avoid Scams, Fraud and Identity Theft.

Darrell taught me how to play, I mean work! with, so I've posted the video. Thanks, Darrell, for helping me develop another skill to help my customers, like EFPN. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

The voracious squirrels are ravaging our fugi persimmons, but they dine at an unusual table and leave lovely snippets of orange.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Sierra Nevadas, Oil Painting

Sierra Nevadas, oil on canvas
24 x 30 in.

Jim has been busy painting Nevada and California landscapes. This one shows the Carson Valley in Spring. I'll start posting new paintings, hopefully a new one each week for a while. I'll also post some of the websites I've been working on. Lots of production happening at the Promessi studios.